Monday, June 18, 2012

Test Drive

I finally decided what car I want.  Took me awhile to figure it out...kept going between practical for my son and fun for me.  Found an amazing car that is both!

Went with my friend Alison tonight and took one for a test drive.  I am officially in love!!!  

It drove like a dream.  I was so comfortable that it felt like I had been driving it my whole life.  The one at the dealership was a little banged up and there was no way that I was going to even think about buying a car at that price when there is so much damage, so I will just have to keep looking.  I wasn't too upset though, wasn't too fond of the white, anyway  ;)

I sent out a few e-mails last night and tonight, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that at least some of them are still available and that soon I can have my own car.  My very first, in my name only, car!  I could not be a happy gal right now  :)  So much is just falling into place these days, that I am almost surprised.  Just hope it keeps going this way.

And keep your fingers crossed for me...I am really hoping the purple one is still out there...waiting for me, and only me.....

73 and 88.....

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Homey Colours

Here I sit in my almost grown up looking home.

After living here for 9 months, I can almost say that I am comfortable in here.  Not that it's uncomfortable but it is just about how I want it to look.

Tossed the beat up old futon and now have a big comfy (and purple!) sofa, fabulous green curtains and random green accents (like a huge bamboo vase) in my living room.  Thanks Alison ;)  And it all ties in with the purple and green of my dining room.  Who knew that just decorating could make a place not just look better, but feel better, too?

And my bed room is slowly getting there.  Of course, when we moved here my son's room was the first to get done, closely followed by the kitchen.  But today I put up curtains in my room and bought sheets!  Wow.  Sheets on the bed instead of covering the window!!  

I think the next room to get taken care of, after mine is good enough to actually show people, will be the bathroom.  Not that there is all that much that can be done to it as it is quite small, but at least getting matching things might help a little.

One day I hope to figure out how to get photos on here, then you can all see the work that has gone into this place.  I am proud enough of it to want to show it off.

73 & 88.....

First Post!

I used to have an online journal, and I have to admit that I loved it.  I wrote in it every day!!  Everything from anything important, to whatever I was thinking of that day.

So, here I am to try it again.  It's nice to have your own little corner of things to write what you want, when you want.

And this will be mine!

But do read with caution.  I know that I will write about my son and his life, my work, friends and random (often useless) things about my every day life.  If you don't like something that I write, then don't read it anymore.  Just leave the page, and don't ever come back.  If on the other hand, you have something to say or want to read more...feel free!  All are welcome here.